Monkeys, a tomato and the boy wonder.

I heard about this epidemic going round and thought to myself, "hmmm. I got to get me some of that".

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Genious or Mad Man

You can spend hours thinking about what your first post should be about, or you can throw something down and call it done. I find serenity in the silence of a lazy man, so here are some one line thoughts.

Why are there so many people complaining that Nashville has no culture but yet refuse to get season tickets to the Frist Museum?

Why is Nashville known as the music city when all the albums I buy come from LA, NY, Canada or Europe?

When are the downtown infrastructure businesses coming in to support all these damn condos. I'm tired of not being able to get my prescription filled while looking for the holy grail.

Who really cares what Reese Witherspoon looks like in a bathing suit?


Why do I find myself craving for Fast Food at 2 in the morning when I could be eating a delicious Hostess cherry pie from the gas station?


At 7/12/2006 11:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogging world, now you'll never escape :)

And the answer to question #2 is, Your a music snob, and don't even act like you don't know it.

At 7/12/2006 4:31 PM, Blogger Claudia said...

Hello Music Snob!

You forgot Kings Of Leon is from TN. Pretty good band.

Come visit me!
I´ll come around...


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