Monkeys, a tomato and the boy wonder.

I heard about this epidemic going round and thought to myself, "hmmm. I got to get me some of that".

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Burning up in heat wave country.

So, the US is having a record season for heat, but I don't fear for my President tells me global warming doesn't exists. Still I can't help thinking as I drive along the high way that is covered by 60% of SUVs that maybe there is a connection. Got to love Tennessee. We want our beautiful land but don't touch our SUVs.

So maybe if our current administration were to at least admit that an alternative fuel would be good for America by making us energy independent, it would be a step in the right direction and I could bear to see all these people driving around in their oversized vehicles. I mean the other night I was in a parking lot and there were 20 SUVs, 5 Cars, and 10 Vans, on one level alone.

So spending government money on alternative fuels might make us all feel better as opposed to the billions on a pointless war in the middle east.


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